Reviews of Mary Kennedy Barrister - Auckland City

Here you will find reviews about Mary Kennedy Barrister. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
1 Review
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Hello all.

This woman had dinner at my restaurant this evening in Ponsonby Central. She ordered a glass of Savignon Blanc. She asked for it in a champagne flute and we complied. More than halfway through eating her meal, she complained to our staff the wine was not fresh. We checked the wine - it tasted perfectly fine. However when she requested a new, fresh glass, we opened a new bottle and served it in a standard wine glass.

She then proceded to rant about us rippping her off and refused to pay for her meal. I asked her politely to leave and never return.

I just wanted to let the public know what an awful woman she is.

Thanks Mary
How rude of your restaurant to pass on such info,recently when I was rude to a shop assistance, it was her idiotic behavior and my loss of a loved one that made this behavior come out ,point is don't judge others until you walk in their shoes,you don't know what people are going g through,you try defending the criminals of this country everyday ..leeanne
Yo Leeanne you kinda lost all credibility once you wrote "when I was rude to a shop assistant" hahaha.
I reflect the feedback about Mary Kennedy she is an absolute idiot! I would sooner represent myself than pay her to ruin my life !! She behaves like that everywhere she goes (me me me) terrible woman its got nothing to do with being a lawyer!