Reviews of Alans Water Supply

Here you will find reviews about Alans Water Supply. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
1 Review
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Most selfice bunch of drivers anywhere
We live in Albany right next to where these arseholes refill their tanks. They cut thru our private road on our estate behind the Zed and right in front of our many apartments BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO FUCKING LAZY TO DRIVE AROUND THE BLOCK after they refill. I am sick to death of hectoring at them telling them to stop coming up our PRIVATE ROAD, they just keep coming. They are LEGION. It starts early in the morning EVERY day and can last until 0130 the next morning. They are gutter scum. They don't care who they annoy and they are ripping up our private road with the racket of their trucks and ripping up the actual road which WE have to pay for out of our body corporates. AND there trucks are filthy. If they are unclean outside can you imagine the stagnant rot inside for what passes as rotton old scows on wheels. Also, there is a sewage outlet for campervans to dump right next to where these swine refill. You are getting your water from right next to a sewage inlet. Avoid. These units don't give a flying fart about anyone else but themselves