The Brand Project

About the product
The Brand Project is a full end-to-end brand solution. You get everything! This product is designed to transform businesses into market-leading brands.

We start with the Brand Workshop unearthing everything about where your business is now and what the future of your business looks like. We explore your customers, your competition, and how you will be positioned in the market. Then we create your brand strategy!

After the Workshop, we will develop your Brand ID. This is where we take everything from your brand strategy and start creating the aesthetics you need to attract and connect with your audience.

Once the Brand ID is complete we will begin the rollout. This is every single touchpoint your business has with your customers all rebranded. We will create everything from business cards and vehicle signage to websites and advertising campaigns.

At the end of this process, you will be handed over to our marketing specialists so your new brand can be launched into the market properly and effectively.

Average duration for this end-to-end branding product is 3-4 months.
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