
About the product
We love working with code. We love any code. We have successfully maintained code that others doomed as unmaintainable and have written the most beautiful code that others now love working with.
We have solid standards based on industry best practices when it comes to version control, deployment setups and documentation around essential infrastructure. We have a solid track record with government entities and private sector companies in Europe and New Zealand and work at the highest level of transparency to our customers. We have a complete audit trail for every change that hits a production environment and give our customers full access to it at all times.
We have many years of experience in internet facing architecture and the security implications that type of setup brings with it. We are used to hardening setups to minimise the risk of downtime for your online solution and we have extensive experience in solving scalability problems. We are used to sitting with IT departments and working through thread scenarios or solving performance bottlenecks in larger infrastructures. We are troubleshooters that are brought in when sites suddenly don’t perform anymore or peak loads are expected for a short period of time. Our extensive experience in that field gives you the security that your site keeps working even if the environment it operates in suddenly changes.
We also have an extensive network of specialists and if we feel that we are not the right ones to talk to we will happily put you in touch with a specialist in that area. There is a specialist for the most outlandish problem out there, but they are often hard to find. We know people dealing with very outlandish topics, try us.
For us consulting is not only charging hours, it is about us helping you solve your problem in the best possible way, with the best possible resources.
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