Reviews of Haigh Lyon Lawyers - Auckland City

Here you will find reviews about Haigh Lyon Lawyers. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
1 Review
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The company is generating work on "empty" advise which can be found on Google. Billing $64 for writing single line of text on email. Then wiping it off the bill after complaints. Not presenting any useful information to the customer, using catch 22 tricks to generate extra work. Consulting each others in the office and double billing in result. Not providing transparent charging model and hiding fees as long as possible. Employing "apprentices" and letting them run your case. You pay for their learning time plus "teachers" time. In the end trying to suck as much money out of your packet as possible. In the end you find that you have to pay $2000 and in the result you still know nothing. Advise you get is "call us again for help". Of course for another $2000.