Questions & Answers for Boots The Chemists (New Zealand)

Here you will find questions & answers for Boots The Chemists (New Zealand). All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or users.
Can you supply Child's Farm Moisturiser. I live in Auckland
I am also wanting to buy E45 cream, It's an amazing product, I purchased a tub from Boots in the UK when I was there but my supply is low, Can you Please help.
Can we order on line E45 cream 350gram jar?
Are you anything to do with Boots UK ? I am looking for self adhesive felt tape 7mm thick. I do not live in Wellington but Kapiti and do come in some times! Can you HELP!!!
I am trying to buy some pre electric shave for my dad which is stocked by Boots Chemist but the online store says they do not ship to NZ? Can you advise if I am able to buy Boots Chemist stocked items in NZ.
Good I need to buy some Germoline its a pink cream antiseptic Good product I did buy it in England

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