Review of StreetWize

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I had some full-length dresses that belonged to my mother who is terminally ill and I had decided to get them cut shorter so I could wear them - needless to say they meant a lot to me. They were massacred by this place. When I was given the dresses back, one had a hole at the front that looked like it had been rubbed against something hard, one was sewn to the wrong length with shoddy and uneven stitching, another light coloured dress had dirty marks all over it and the last was cut to the wrong length so even though the original hem was over an inch in size, it had to be made into a small hem which ruined the style of the skirt and was the worst stitching I have ever seen. I had noticed the hole immediately and it certainly was not there before I had dropped them off. I had carefully gone over all the dresses to make sure they were worth getting fixed and these were the ones I had selected from what my Mother had. When I told the receptionist she apologised and went to show Pauline who started loudly and rudely saying "No. We did not do that. Nope, no way did we do that". It was bizarre, she was saying it loud enough that I could hear as I was only 5m away but wouldn't talk to me to my face. After a long drama she agreed to fix it, but was not even close to being happy about it. When I got home I saw the state of the rest of the dresses which was really upsetting and actually brought my mum to tears. I didn't want more arguments so I took in the dress that was stitched the worst, no one could argue that it was quality work. When I took it in I got an eye-rolling and "what's wrong now?" When I showed her the stitching, there was no apology, nothing! She agreed to fix it. When I went back to pick it up it was barely any better, and that is when I really started getting angry. She had given me back the dress twice with a hem that went all over the place and was supposed to be "professional work" for a very simple task. There was no way that it could pass for acceptable work. The hem went up and down by at least 2cm. She started blaming me saying that it was creased when I dropped it off and muttering about the grain of the material. It was total nonsense, just plain laziness and if she was unable to complete the task I had paid her for then I would have appreciated honesty. She "fixed" it again, but it is still awful - at one section of the hem about 10cm long, it is sewn in such a way that it "flaps" open because it has been stitched in the right place. Stay away from the place, Pauline has absolutely no concept of customer service and she is disgusting to deal with. She has a major attitude problem and whatever she claims her credentials are, she has done the worst work I have ever seen. I only hope I can try and salvage the damage she has done to these dresses. I'm out of pocket $70 and I just can't argue with her anymore, she is horrid to deal with and I just want to forget this whole experience.

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